Monday, October 26, 2020

Writing prompt: The Vessel;

Write about a ship or other vessel that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.

(This prompt and the last one come from

Not a ship for me. I could take a small boat down the Scioto River, then something bigger on to the Gulf of Mexico, but there's a hurricane headed that way. The vessel for me would be a minivan or similar land vehicle that could take me anywhere in the Americas in due time when the travel restrictions for the virus go away. In the meantime, I could live in the vehicle if need be, or at least use it for local transportation.

Where to go, though? All over! Roads run from the northern edge of Alaska to Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. There are tons of places I've never been to and quite a few I'd like to see again. The vessel could call at many "ports" and not be done seeing everything in one lifetime.</p>

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