Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Writing prompt: Eavesdropper: Create a poem, short story, or journal entry about a conversation you’ve overheard.

Sometimes I overhear the damndest things on the bus. Some folks just aren't self-conscious at all. I've overheard personal conversations about STDs, people fleeing violent relationship (either side), and two guys sentenced to AA meetings convincing each other to sign their own meeting records and skip the meeting in favor of using some pills one of them had.

The all-time topper, though, wasn't exactly eavesdropping. I was on a westbound #10 bus here in Columbus one afternoon with a passenger who was trying to sell anyone a prescription written to him for pain medicine. He addressed the entire bus seeking a buyer. I don't know if he wanted the money for a different drug or something else, but he must not have been worried about being arrested for that. He left the bus with another man, and I guess he sold his script. The risk of that takes my breath away, but I guess addicts do what they have to do.

(Prompt from

Monday, October 26, 2020

Writing prompt: The Vessel;

Write about a ship or other vessel that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.

(This prompt and the last one come from

Not a ship for me. I could take a small boat down the Scioto River, then something bigger on to the Gulf of Mexico, but there's a hurricane headed that way. The vessel for me would be a minivan or similar land vehicle that could take me anywhere in the Americas in due time when the travel restrictions for the virus go away. In the meantime, I could live in the vehicle if need be, or at least use it for local transportation.

Where to go, though? All over! Roads run from the northern edge of Alaska to Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. There are tons of places I've never been to and quite a few I'd like to see again. The vessel could call at many "ports" and not be done seeing everything in one lifetime.</p>

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Daily writing prompt: what's the weather outside your window doing right now?

The rain stopped sometime this morning, but the sky won't clear before tonight or maybe tomorrow. The asphalt parking lot still looks a little wet. We're downwind from Lake Erie and Lake Michigan here, and the clouds rule most of the cold season.

I'm not forever restless and ready to leave any given place like I once was, but if I move along in the future, climate or weather will have everything to do with it. My sinuses never liked Ohio humidity, and my lungs have joined in that chorus. They both want to go to the Southwest until wildfire season comes. Then there's no good place to be except maybe the Dakotas. My knees, meanwhile, have grown creaky and they object to my enduring winters here. Climate change or desert air would help with that, or I could go to Florida for the few months between hurricane season and extreme humidity, except for the bugs there. I know, by this time, that I'm not going to find one place with a great year-round climate except a couple of places I can't afford.

I know people who live on wheels. Needless to say, there are drawbacks to that, too.

The bottom line, though, is simpler than that. I don't get much attachment to places, and there's a family history going back more than a century on both sides. What I get attached to is people. I have grandchildren, "family of origin," and close friends now that I never dreamed of in my younger days. I'll probably move around this part of the city, but I won't be leaving the area "for good" without a damn good reason.